Services Offered:
Support for individuals or couples for short term or long term intervention. Navigating our emotional wellness can become overwhelming at times and having a safe space to feel heard, to gain insight and move toward improved wellness is my goal for all clients. I have extensive history with working with individuals dealing with depression, grief, CPTSD, anxiety and other stress related psychiatric disorders. My focus often includes the use of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) and Inter Family Systems (IFS) frameworks. These approaches help to guide clients toward their own innate ability to heal given the right tools. I am privileged and honored to support others in their healing process.
The effects of Ketamine are unique in medicine and offer advantages over medical interventions for some individuals. Ketamine has been recognized for having a high degree of utility in treating depression, ptsd, anxiety, OCD and other psychiatric disorders involving chronic stress. I have been trained in KAP through Polaris Insight Institute and Temenos Psychedelic and Ketamine Center. For clients interested in exploring Ketamine Assisted Therapy I can provide consultation, integration support and recommendations for appropriate treatment plans.
Recommended Links:
Psychedelic & Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy | Petaluma Califorrnia (
Polaris Insight Center - Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Psychedelic Psychopharmacology Consulting and Education (
I have worked as a medical and elder advocate for 20 years. I have extensive experience with supporting patients and their families as they navigate senior services and end of life planning. As we age we inevitably need to evaluate what services and support programs are available in the community. My background in Elder Care and Elder Resources can help families move through this very complex and emotionally difficult stage of life.
Art and mental health are positively connected. Artistic and creative activities such as painting, drawing, sculpting, collage or writing are linked to lower stress and mental calmness. Art can help individuals express their emotions and process complex feelings without having to explain yourself. Creative projects can enhance imagination, boost self-esteem, decrease pain and help build relationships with oneself or others. As an arts integration facilitator I am honored to guide individuals into thoughtful creative projects that will help to build on the healing journey for each person. These projects can be done with individual or in group sessions.
A life review is a structured procedure for reconstructing our pasts in a manner that can provide three personal benefits that many of us need as we grow older:
An acceptance of the events and choices that have shaped our lives, reflecting gratitude for the life we’ve been given rather than self-doubt and regret
A more authentic (and thus more robust) understanding of who we are and how we got to be that way, reflecting the highly developed, reassuring sense of self that psychologist Erik Erikson called “ego integrity”
A greater clarity in the direction our lives should take going forward, reflecting what we have learned from the experiences and the purposes that have given our lives meaning in the past.
The “life review” method was pioneered by Robert Butler, a legendary psychiatrist who was concerned with the problem of increasing depression in aging patients. Butler believed that the depressive symptoms of his patients stemmed from the aimless way they remembered their pasts. He devised a procedure for helping people conduct “life reviews” that highlighted the key purposes they had pursued successfully in their prior stages of life. By finding positive benefits in all earlier experiences—even ones that appeared unfortunate at the time— people can affirm the values of their lives and chart a hopeful path forward.
There are many ways to document an individual's life. Some are more complicated than others. I happened to interview my father in 2018 and unbeknownst to me he would be gone the following year.The recording is stored on my phone and is a priceless gift for me and my kids. Story Corp Stories is a great place to look into the value of stories. I would be honored to help your family spearhead the oral history process with some suggestions and/or help with recording an interview to have for years to come.
I am currently accepting a limited number of private pay clients for short term support. I can provide counseling/psychotherapy, consultation, referrals and recommendations for longer term emotional support. My current professional roles are with Providence Cancer Center and Temenos Center of Integrative Therapy
“We don’t have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.”
– Brené Brown LCSW